Well I didn’t exactly finish anything this week, but I still felt like I acheived a fair amount. I started working on a modular synth / generative music environment in zig. So far it’s got a graph with nodes, and the nodes have ports for different data types. It topologically sorts the graph to process the nodes in the right order. There’s functions for adding and removing nodes and edges, serializing / deserializing the graph to JSON, oh and it actually makes sound!
2 - Gettin Ziggy with it
This week I made a synth in Zig, I really quite like the language after trying it for the first time. It doesn’t feel exactly like a finished project, but I achieved most of what I set out to do, minus the lack of MIDI input and a better GUI.
You can view the code on github here
Next week I might try writing a general audio graph library, it seems like a better way to do things.
1 - CMondrian
I was planning on waiting until the new year to start, but I thought I would get the ball rolling with something simple :)
You can view the code on github here
Inspired by cbonsai, pipes.sh and piet mondrian, CMondrian is a terminal program for making generative art. It’s written in C++ and uses termbox_next for the terminal stuff which was too hard for me. I might add a few more options to it later on tonight. I’d like to make some more terminal generative art and wrap them up into one project, animating some warped perlin noise should yeild good results!
#0 - Phoning it in
The plan is simple, I’m making something every week. It doesn’t have to be a lot, it’s more about finishing projects and having a record of the work I’ve done to look back on. Programming, music, art, it’s all valid! Maybe I could even do a bit of a write up at the end of the week. I’m phoning it in a bit here but the first project is this website, that’s week 0 done. easy clap.